A sharing by Helen Chang for this song:
While the need to imitate Christ is a command for those of us who love God yet I often wonder as to how much and how consistent it has been so in my own life.
The more as I began to seek the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, the more I realised that it is in the daily small actions and the thoughts within me that would show whether I am becoming more Christ like or not. Just as the Lord Jesus said in John 12:32, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.”
While that was referring to his physically being lifted up on the cross, so for me to apply the same self-giving attitude in honouring Christ as my Lord and Saviour would be nothing less than imitate Christ in practice. This is also the way that my life could be used to draw others to Christ!
What is more important for me to realise is that the Lord Jesus is not concerned to draw me to himself only but that by believing in him, I believe in God Yahweh Who sent him! How wonderful that the Lord Jesus is always the only way to God for sinners and that whenever a sinner repents and believes in him, the sinner believes in the only true God Yahweh Who sent him to accomplish the salvation for us all!
May the depth of the self-giving love of Christ, to the extent of his suffering and dying on the cross continue to draw us afresh to his side to the honour and glory of God Yahweh!
(c) 2021 Christian Disciples Church