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Other Languages and Websites


Christian Disciples Church offers resources in languages other than English. Some of the resources are located at this web site, some at our sister websites, their diversity reflecting the diversity of our churches located in places such as Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, and so on.

(click on pictures for links)
DESCRIPTION (Chinese for “Gospel Radio Station”) is the website of our shortwave radio station that operated from 2000 to 2007, broadcasting gospel messages to China at a frequency of 9965 KHz, with other frequencies broadcasting to Vietnam, Indonesia, India and other places. Visit this website for Christian resources in Chinese: sermons, Bible studies, mp3 downloads, testimonies, and multimedia.
Cahaya Pengharapan Ministries (Indonesian for “Light of Hope Ministries”) offers many Biblical resources in the Indonesian language.
The TOTG Thailand website offers biblical resources in the Thai language, including books on biblical monotheism such as The Only True God, and other topics such as baptism. (Vietnamese for “Vietnamese Good News”) is the website that grew out of our shortwave radio station that operated from 2000 to 2007, broadcasting gospel messages to Vietnam at a frequency of 15725 KHz. Visit this website for Bible messages in the Vietnamese language (with mp3 and pdf downloads).
This website of the Hong Kong Central branch of Christian Disciples Church offers Christian resources in the Chinese language: sermons, Bible studies, literature, and multimedia.
This website of the Mongkok branch of Christian Disciples Church offers many Christian resources in the Chinese language: sermons, Bible studies, literature, and multimedia. This site is listed here as an example of the websites of some of our individual churches.
An Eagle’s View of the New Testament , by Pastor James C.C. Ho, is an objective approach to the study of the New Testament that analyzes the statistical frequencies of key words of  each book of the New Testament; these unlock the meaning, the message, and the intent of each book. The book comes with a Bible software that can, in one pass, do a statistical analysis of the entire corpus of Greek words in the NT; the software can be downloaded from the site free of charge.


Bible messages in non-English languages available for reading
at the present website (click on pictures for links):

(c) 2021 Christian Disciples Church